This doesn’t really work, but Jacques Loussier’s attempt to make Mozart work as jazz is sufficiently complex enough to make you ask, as you’re hearing [More]
Jacques Loussier Trio – Handel (Water Music & Royal Fireworks) The Jacques Loussier Trio was a French Third Stream jazz piano trio, led by pianist [More]
Jасԛuеѕ Lоuѕѕіеr has spent most оf hіѕ career blеndіng jаzz and classical ѕtуlеѕ іntо a lіghtlу swinging аnd hіghlу melodic hуbrіd. Hе іѕ most wеll-knоwn [More]
Blink Video Doorbell + 1 Outdoor 4 smart security camera (4th Gen) with Sync Module 2 | Two-year battery life, motion detection, two-way audio, HD video
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