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Track listing: A1 Cotton Tail 0:00 A2 Solitude 3:07 A3 Jack The Bear 6:24 A4 Sophisticated Lady 9:53 A5 Jeep’s Blues 13:31 B1 Take The [More]
Tracklist: A1 Disc-O-Mite (Holmes, Nelson) A2 Salsa De Alma 5:19 A3 Once Is Not Enough (Mancini, Kusik) 10:38 A4 Dumpy Mama (Oliver Nelson) 14:05 B1 [More]
AllMusic Review by Scott Yanow: Best known as an arranger for singers and for commercial sessions, Buddy Bregman led one full-fledged jazz instrumental date, Swinging [More]
Hеllо, Lоvе іѕ a 1960 studio album bу the American jаzz ѕіngеr Ellа Fіtzgеrаld, rесоrdеd over twо ѕеѕѕіоnѕ іn 1957 аnd 1959. Thе аlbum fосuѕеѕ [More]