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Mahal is an album by American jazz trumpeter Eddie Henderson. It was recorded in 1978, his second album released on the Capitol label. Track listing: [More]
Heritage is an album by American jazz trumpeter Eddie Henderson recorded in 1976 and released on the Blue Note label. “For the new generation of [More]
Realization is the debut album by American jazz trumpeter Eddie Henderson recorded in 1973 and released on the Capricorn label. “Although the electric Herbie Hancock [More]
Inside Out is an album by American jazz trumpeter Eddie Henderson recorded in 1973 and released on the Capricorn label. Allmusic awarded the album four [More]
In 1977, Eddіе Hеndеrѕоn ѕlірреd іntо the сlutсhеѕ оf Capitol Rесоrdѕ, whісh didn’t have muсh оf a jazz division and рrеdісtаblу dіdn’t know how to [More]