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Teddy Wilson’s homage to Fats Waller that was recorded January 28 and 31, 1974 at O’Neal Studios in NYC for the Black Lion label. The [More]
“Teddy Wilson frequently recorded with a trio following the demise of his short-lived experiment with leading an orchestra. The undated On Tour session was likely [More]
Galaxy records presents a rediscovered episode in the life of pianist Teddy Wilson, an accomplished bandleader whose hard-swinging sextet was recorded in performance at New [More]
In thе ѕрrіng оf 1970, Mаrіаn MсPаrtlаnd іnvіtеd Teddy Wіlѕоn to jоіn hеr fоr a ѕеѕѕіоn of ріаnо duеtѕ, ѕоmеthіng ѕhе would become famous for [More]
Galaxy records presents a rediscovered episode in the life of pianist Teddy Wilson, an accomplished bandleader whose hard-swinging sextet was recorded in performance at New [More]