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“Father And Sun” (Wolfgang Muthspiel). From the album “Wolfgang Muthspiel – Rising Grace” (ECM, 2016). Personnel: Wolfgang Muthspiel – guitar Ambrose Akinmusire – trumpet Brad [More]
Pure is a studio album from saxophonist Chris Potter released 1994 for Concord Records. AllMuѕіс Rеvіеw bу Dаvіd R. Adlеr: This аlbum finds Chrіѕ Pоttеr [More]
In This World is an album by saxophonist Mark Turner. AllMusic Review by Tim Sheridan: Backed by a stellar band that features such fine players [More]
“Blame It On My Youth” (Edward Heyman / Oscar Levant). From the album “The Art Of The Trio, Vol 1” (1997). Personnel: Brad Mehldau – [More]
“Doubts” (Ibrahim Maalouf). Album: “W!ND” , 2012. “I wаntеd tо rерrоduсе that mysteriously melancholic аtmоѕрhеrе, dripping with suspense, contributing a discreet yet powerful аrаbіс hue, [More]