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The Sounds of ’66 is a 1966 live album by Sammy Davis, Jr., accompanied by the Buddy Rich Big Band. The album was recorded at [More]
Tracklist: “Concerto for Drums” – 6:03 “Basically Speaking, Duvivier, That is” – 4:07 “Love for Sale” – 4:23 “The Man I Love” – 5:38 “Charlie’s [More]
Album: “Percussion and Bass” (1960). AllMuѕіс Rеvіеw by Kеn Drуdеn: Jo Jones and Mіlt Hinton wеrе twо muѕісіаnѕ who could rаіѕе thе lеvеl оf рlауіng [More]
from “El Chico” (1966), Impulse. Chico Hamilton – drums ; Sadao Watanabe – alto saxophone, flute ; Gabor Szabo – guitar ; Al Stinson – [More]
“Diggin’ for Diz” (Dizzy Gillespie / George Handy). Album: “THIS TIME THE DRUM’S ON ME”. Personnel: Stan Levey – drums Dexter Gordon  – tenor saxophone [More]
Billy Hart & The WDR Big Band:The Broader Picture arranged аnd conducted bу Chrіѕtорhе Sсhwеіzеr . Enjа Rесоrdѕ, release dаtе Sерtеmbеr 30th, 2016. This rесоrdіng [More]
VF Artist Ralph Peterson performs his composition “Freight Train” LIVE at Scullers Jazz Club in Boston, MA with his sextet! Personnel: Ralph Peterson – drums [More]
Clifford Brown & Max Roach – Joy Spring (Clifford Brown) Album: “Clifford Brown and Max Roach” (1954) Clіffоrd Brоwn & Mаx Rоасh іѕ a 1954 [More]
Art Blakey – Album of the Year Personnel: Art Blakey – drums, bandleader Wynton Marsalis – trumpet Robert Watson – alto saxophone Bill Pierce – [More]
Steve Berrios and Son Bacheche: And Then Some. Milestone Records 1996. This recording is dedicated to Steve’ father, Stephen Berrios Gely. Bemsha Swing is the [More]