This 1960 ѕеt іѕ ѕаіd tо bе the оnlу rесоrdіng ѕеѕѕіоn оn whісh Ben Wеbѕtеr and Jоhnnу Hodges wеrе the only twо hоrn рlауеrѕ. At [More]
  Mаrtу Paich ѕееmеd to bе mоrе аt ease іn ѕmаll combo settings. Most of hіѕ albums as a lеаdеr wеrе made wіth a ԛuаrtеt [More]
 Live in L.A. was recorded on consecutive nights at the Majestic Ventura Theatre and at the Greek Theatre on September 25-26 1992 . Track listing: All [More]
Track listing: A1 –Art Pepper Quartet: Pepper Pot 0:00 A2 –Art Pepper Quartet: Besame Mucho 4:59 A3 –Art Pepper Quartet: Diane 8:56 A4 –Art Pepper [More]
The Benoit/Freeman Project is an album by American pianist David Benoit and American guitarist Russ Freeman that was released in 1994 and recorded for the [More]
The Three and The Two is an album by drummer Shelly Manne, also featuring multi-instrumentalist Jimmy Giuffre, pianist Russ Freeman, and trumpeter Shorty Rogers. It [More]
“Opus de Funk” (Horace Silver) from the album “Art Pepper + Eleven – Modern Jazz Classics”. “Art Pepper + Eleven – Modern Jazz Classics” is [More]
Tourist in Paradise is the third album by the American Jazz group The Rippingtons, released in 1989 for the GRP label. The album is primarily [More]