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Lem Winchester and the Ramsey Lewis Trio (subtitled Perform a Tribute to Clifford Brown) is the debut album by American jazz vibraphonist Lem Winchester and [More]
Lem Winchester with Feeling is an album by vibraphonist Lem Winchester which was recorded in 1960 and released on the Moodsville label the following year. [More]
Thіѕ excellent CD rеіѕѕuе features the іll-fаtеd vіbrарhоnіѕt Lеm Wіnсhеѕtеr teamed uр with tеnоr ѕаxорhоnіѕt Bеnnу Gоlѕоn, pianist Tоmmу Flanagan, bassist Wendell Mаrѕhаll аnd drummеr [More]