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From Me to You is the tenth studio album by American keyboardist and record producer George Duke. It was released in 1977 through Epic Records, [More]
Whеn Gеоrgе Dukе mаdе the trаnѕіtіоn frоm jаzz instrumentalist tо R&B ѕtаr in 1977, hе received both nеgаtіvе and роѕіtіvе rеvіеwѕ. R&B-оrіеntеd рublісаtіоnѕ tended to [More]
Tracklist: A1 Au-Right A2 Love Reborn 3.24 A3 Peace 10:54 A4 My Soul 18:41 B1 Feels So Good 23:25 B2 Manya 30:29 B3 Sweet Bite [More]
Feel is the seventh album of George Duke. This album was released by BASF MPS on October 28, 1974. George Duke began experimenting with synthesizer [More]