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Billie Holiday Sings  is a 10-inch LP album made by jazz singer Billie Holiday, released in the United States by Clef Records in 1952. Track [More]
Songs for Hip Lovers is a 1957 vocal album by the jazz bandleader Woody Herman, arranged by Marty Paich. Ken Dryden reviewed the album for [More]
  Track listing: 1 Dark Eyes (Otchitchornyia) 2 Dawn On The Desert 3 Moten Swing Story Of The Jazz Trumpet: 4.1 When It’s Sleepy Time [More]
“Jam Session” is the only album I’ve heard that presents Charlie Parker in familiar company with room to stretch out and with microphones capable of [More]
Track listing: A1 What Is This Thing Called Love (C. Porter) 15:53 B1 Funky Blues (Oscar Peterson) 13:46 Personnel: Benny Carter, Charlie Parker, Johnny Hodges [More]
“Trombonology” (Tommy Dorsey ). Personnel: Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra Hal Ablesser, Claude Bowen, Ziggy Elman, Mickey Mangano, Charlie Shavers – trumpet Tommy Dorsey, Walt [More]
“Stardust” (Carmichael-Parish). “Charlie Shavers shared with Harry James, the ability to play emotionally and with unsurpassed technique at the same time. This version of Stardust [More]
It’s been said that Big Sid Catlett was the complete drummer, able to play with boppers and moldy figs alike and any kind of musician [More]
Charlie Shаvеrѕ, оnе оf thе greatest if most undеrrаtеd trumреtеrѕ of аll tіmе, wаѕ in hіѕ lаtе prime durіng thе реrіоd соvеrеd bу Cоmрlеtе Rесоrdіngѕ, [More]
Mоѕt оf Chаrlіе Shavers‘ rесоrdіngѕ frоm thе 1954-1964 period hаvе bееn rеіѕѕuеd on fіvе ѕіnglе CDs bу thе Lоnе Hill Jаzz lаbеl. Thе vіrtuоѕо trumреtеr [More]