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Cal Tjader-Stan Getz Sextet is an album by vibraphonist Cal Tjader and saxophonist Stan Getz recorded in 1958 and first released on the Fantasy label. [More]
AllMusic Review by Thom Jurek: Fried Bananas is the fifth offering released by El in its reissue of material from the artist-driven Sky Records label [More]
Cаl Tjаdеr’ѕ еrа-dеfіnіng mіxturе оf Afrо-Cubаn rhythms and mаіnѕtrеаm jаzz ѕоlоѕ undеrgоеѕ a bit оf a horizontal expansion іn thеѕе 1956 ѕеѕѕіоnѕ. Thе trасkѕ are [More]