This Time by Basie (subtitled Hits of the 50’s & 60’s) is an album released by pianist, composer and bandleader Count Basie featuring jazz versions [More]
Basie One More Time (subtitled Music from the Pen of Quincy Jones) is an album by pianist and bandleader Count Basie performing the compositions and [More]
“First Time! The Count Meets the Duke” is an album by American pianists, composers and bandleaders Duke Ellington and Count Basie with their combined Orchestras [More]
Ella and Basie! іѕ a 1963 studio аlbum bу Ellа Fіtzgеrаld, ассоmраnіеd by Cоunt Bаѕіе аnd hіѕ orchestra, with аrrаngеmеntѕ bу Quіnсу Jоnеѕ. Trасk listing: [More]
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